Case Study: Segmenting Lapsed Players for Reengagement


case studies numbers s  GAMING  Increase in Player Retention
case studies numbers s  GAMING  Boost in Ad Revenue

A casual, puzzle gaming app with over 50K monthly active users (MAU), wanted to reengage lapsed players to improve retention and drive more ad monetization revenue.

Within Kochava, the marketing team segmented an audience of their users who had gameplay activity in the past 30 days but none in the past 7 days. Next, they automated delivery of that audience on a daily basis to their preferred demand-side platform (DSP). The DSP targeted the audience with a reengagement campaign that offered free tokens to returning players.

Use Cases GAMING

The targeted reengagement effort, streamlined by Kochava’s audience segmentation and syndication solutions, increased overall player retention by 9%, resulting in a 24% boost in ad monetization revenue from ads shown to those players.

Looking to drive more growth from your existing users?

Contact Kochava today to see how we can help.

This use case is one example of the impact of Kochava solutions for advertisers. Kochava makes no guarantee of individual results.