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Defend Your Spend with Mobile Ad Fraud Detection and Prevention

Fight back with the industry’s most trusted ad fraud detection tools that analyze trillions of data points across millions of campaigns every day.

Request Expert Consultation

According to EMARKETER, ad fraud’s yearly price tag will hit $100 billion by 2025

Refuse to become part of the statistic!

uber logo tag

Aided by Kochava Experts, Uber Recovers Millions from Ad Fraud Scheme

Fraud Tactics We Prevent

Our multilayered tools detect and prevent all prevalent and emerging fraud tactics.

Click Injection

Install Hijacking

Click Flooding

SDK Spoofing

In-app Purchase Fraud

Fraud Bots

Device Farms

Device ID Rest

Ad Stacking

Diversify your defense strategy

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Get instant visibility into your compromised traffic with real-time fraud detection

Activate the Kochava Global Fraud Blocklist at the flip-of-a-switch to seamlessly protect your campaigns across all apps. Traffic that violates the Blocklist is flagged for instant visibility in reporting and analytics, while also being disqualified from attribution to valid conversions.

Customize thresholds and blocklists with personalized fraud alerts

Go beyond one-size-fits-all solutions with customized fraud thresholding tailored to the needs of your brand. Personalize thresholding and account-level blocklisting to decide rules and dynamic conditions for blocking fraudulent sources. When these rules are violated, stay informed with immediate fraud alerting to know which ad partners are being flagged and blocked.

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Set advanced rules to guard over your campaign traffic

Kochava Traffic Verifier™ allows you to configure traffic rules to enforce the terms of insertion orders (IOs) with media partners. Set rules for validation based on:

  •   Device Characteristics
  •   Geography
  •   Campaign Run Dates
  •   Frequency Capping
  •   iOS Install Receipts & Google UTM data
  •   and other criteria

Stop SDK spoofing

Detect and block spoofed data payloads to maintain the integrity of user engagement data and prevent CPI or CPE payouts on entirely fake conversions.

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Mobile Ad Fraud is evolving.
Are you protected?

Download our fraud eBook

Request an expert ad fraud consultation