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Powering Outcomes-Based Measurement for Premium Ad Inventory

By June 20, 2023August 6th, 2024News & Updates 9 Min Read

How Kochava Publisher’s Suite is enabling advertisers to spend confidently on advanced TV and other premium channels

The Kochava Publisher’s Suite has become the go-to outcomes-based, ads measurement solution for publishers and ad platforms who have premium owned and operated inventory. As advertisers re-forecast and adjust their media plans more frequently (45% are now doing so monthly and another 20% weekly or daily, according to the IAB’s 2023 Outlook Survey), these partners have been forced to employ sophisticated measurement tech to prove their value and secure ongoing buying consideration from demand-side advertisers. 

As recently announced, the Kochava Publisher’s Suite is now licensed by major connected TV platforms, including: Roku, Samsung Ads, and LG Ad Solutions who have experienced tremendous spend acceleration and interest from advertisers as a result. Major publishers and broadcasters, such as NBCUniversal, as well as the connected TV performance marketing platform MNTN, are also leveraging Kochava’s clear-labeled ads measurement technology to bring outcomes-based measurement within reach for their advertisers.

Kcohava connected TV platforms logos and connected TV

While Publisher’s Suite is an obvious choice for the OTT and CTV sector with its YoY spend increase of 14.4% compared to 2022 (Source IAB’s 2023 Outlook Survey), it’s not the only channel embracing this trend. Other advertising channel partners working with Kochava include increasingly popular platforms like Spotify for audio streaming & podcasts, plus retail media networks, and intrinsic in-game advertising, to name a few.

The importance of outcomes-based measurement

For too long, premium inventory was held back by limited campaign measurement options, with unduplicated reach, total unique impressions, and other currencies being used to judge success. Performance marketers struggled to justify continued ad spend without the ability to more directly correlate ad delivery to their business outcomes and goals. 

Outcomes-based measurement, as empowered by Kochava, enables advertisers from enterprise media and entertainment brands, to quick service restaurants (QSR), and even SMBs to understand campaign performance against the outcomes they’re looking to drive. These business outcomes can include, but are not limited to: 

  • Mobile app installs
  • Free trial activations
  • Subscriptions
  • In-app purchases
  • In-app registrations
  • Website visits
  • Website conversion activities
  • And more

The benefit for demand-side advertisers

Advertisers have never been under greater pressure to prove the value behind every ad dollar spent—particularly as economic headwinds force downward pressure on marketing budgets. Outcomes-based measurement provides a more definitive measure for success. 

As an example, a QSR can run an ad campaign on the home menu screen of a major connected TV platform (think Roku, Vizio, LG, Samsung, etc.). This premium inventory lets them engage with a captive audience on the big screen. Beyond just understanding total unique impressions and unduplicated reach by exposed households, that QSR marketing team can now quantify how that campaign directly drives mobile app installs, in-app rewards registrations, online orders, and even website visits. The ability to prove such direct outcomes provides a clearer ROI picture – making the business case for unlocking more budget for that channel partner far more straightforward and defensible.

In the current world of connected devices, the capability to understand both same-screen and cross-screen performance impact is paramount. That’s why the Kochava Publisher’s Suite enables publishers and ad platforms to showcase the holistic cross-device impact of their campaigns, beyond just the screen of the ad interaction.

Ad view diagram showing a tv and how users can take action on TV ads

Are you an advertiser looking to measure performance outcomes with premium inventory partners? Connect with us today to understand how our solutions can help you connect the dots to your business goals – ensuring your spending aligns with proven growth.

How to enable outcomes-based measurement on your premium inventory

If you’re a publisher or ad platform with premium owned & operated inventory, onboarding outcomes-based measurement starts with learning more about the Kochava Publisher’s Suite and booking a consultation with one of our specialists. 

Our solutions are helping ad sellers and account executives with major publishers and ad platforms prove the value of their inventory and drive new growth with their demand-side partners at a time when the scrutiny over ROI has never been greater. 

Key benefits you can expect, include: 

  • Standardized, in-house performance reporting for advertiser business outcomes
  • Supply-side attribution configuration controls
  • Integration support across mobile measurement partners (MMPs)
  • Omni-channel and omni-platform attribution coverage

Take the next step to learn more and see if the Kochava Publisher’s Suite is a fit for your needs.

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